A Workshop Held in Aid of People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Families in Ukraine

Tuesday 3rd May 2022

4pm – 5.30pm  UK time

Recording Available After the Event 

An opportunity to share ideas, increase your knowledge and support Ukraine 


Online workshop – Tuesday 3rd May 2022 4pm – 5.30pm UK time


This workshop may be particularly helpful when thinking about people who suffer from anxiety, distress, depression, low mood or who appear withdrawn or disengaged. It is suitable for anyone involved in the care, support or education of children or adults with severe or profound intellectual disabilities, profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) and autism, dementia or brain injury and who use ways other than words to communicate.

In the workshop we will explore:

• What emotional regulation is

• Self-regulation and co-regulation

• How to recognise regulated and dysregulated states in others

• How understanding regulation and identifying states in others can support wellbeing and learning

• The role of regulation in physical and emotional wellbeing

• When and why people may become dysregulated

• Approaches for supporting regulation

• How interactions can be regulating

You will take away tools and strategies that:

• Can be used in home, education and adult services and settings

• Can be used to support children and adults

• Do not require cognitive and language skills and abilities

• Do not require any specialist equipment

You will get:

• A live 90 minute workshop held on Zoom

• Access to a recording of the workshop

• Opportunity for discussion and questions

• Research evidence and theory, and tips for how you can best support those you love and care for

• Downloadable information, links and references and a certificate of attendance

The workshop will be facilitated by Dr Julie Calveley and Karam Bhogal

Dr Julie Calveley is the Founder Director of NAC, a UK based community interest company that exists to support the emotional wellbeing of people with severe and profound intellectual disabilities and PMLD (www.nacwellbeing.org).
Julie is a registered learning disability nurse with over 25 years of experience and qualifications and training in psychology, mental health, behaviour, neuroscience and trauma.
She is the author of a number of publications and book chapters in the field of intellectual / learning disabilities.

Karam Bhogal is a NAC Director and is currently undertaking a Doctorate in Education at the University of Birmingham focusing on emotional wellbeing of children and young people with autism and severe intellectual difficulties. He was formally an assistant head teacher at a special needs school in the midlands with over 220 pupils with intellectual difficulties. 
For the past ten years, he has worked with people of all ages across the spectrum of intellectual difficulties and their families in the charity and education sector in a variety of roles. 

Help people with intellectual disabilities and their families affected by war

All the money NAC receives from hosting this webinar will go to Inclusion Europe, who are ensuring that all donations go directly to families in Ukraine.  According to Inclusion Europe:

‘For most people with intellectual disabilities and families it’s not possible to leave the warzone.

  • For many, it is not even possible to hide in shelters because they are not accessible.
  • There is severe lack of basic supplies including medicines, hygiene products, and other necessary items.
  • We are working with our member in Ukraine VGO Coalition to help them. (about VGO Coalition, about the war’s impact)

Ukraine VGO Coalition have told us that the best way to help is to make a donation to help in this situation. Inclusion Europe have agreed that we will coordinate this.

  • 100% of the money collected will be used directly to assist Ukrainian citizens with intellectual disabilities and their families impacted by war in Ukraine.
  • The money will go directly to VGO Coalition and their local organisations so they can buy food, water, medicines, hygiene products, and other goods they need urgently.
  • The money will also be used to pay for personal assistance, and other community-based forms of support to people with intellectual disabilities and their families.’

Book Your Ticket

Tuesday 3rd May 2022 4pm - 5.30pm UK time

Admission: £10
All proceeds will go to assist people with intellectual disabilities and their families in Ukraine